Warframe was released back in 2013 and never had a popular side in the gaming community. This sadly caused the game to never be introduced to many of the players that could have liked the game. This game said to die out and stop servers right after because of the lack of players and fanbase. The creators, however, did not give up on this game and continued to add updates and give more and more story and information to the characters in the game. This slowly caused more people start playing the game. Once the developers made this game free, the player base exploded and instantly revived the game from a near dying state. The people who were faithful in the game and funded the game through it's hard times recieved items that were exclusive to only the beta starters. Today, this game has tons of items and leves with multitudes of resources for the players to gather and make items with. The game is mainly single player with some cooperation from other players, with a multiplayer game mode for those people who like to play against other players. Althought this game has tons of items, getting the items and making them is not a fast or easy task. It can take from a half hour to multiple days for the players to get ennough resources to build an item, which takes from one hour to one week to build. Because of this, many younger gamers do not play this game and is played by adults who have enough to play long hours of grinding for the items. From a rough start to the icon that it is today, Warframe has it's place in the video gaming history.